We are very proud to have had such talent in our society. With that, we would like to show off how great our previous students were so much so that their pieces were published in the papers.
Rain and I
They say "make the best out of everything life gives you."
But who makes the best out of a heavy downpour?
So heavy, innocent children fear the loud meet of lightnings above their once blue skies.
So loud, it frightens a dog who has no clue to the norm of mother nature.
The wind so strong, it detaches leaves off branches they once grew from.
It seems that everyone has the same perspective of the dark, gloomy, heavy rain.
But, I guess there are different kinds of people.
You see, when you've had your share of attacks from life that caused injuries on the inside, and you decide you want to be your own remedy, it changes everything.
At least, it does for me.
And as I sit outside my porch, with a notebook of scribbles from perfecting this piece,
With hot coffee in a 'latte' printed mug, and my dog beside me guessing he feels safe around me
I made the best out of this scary, heavy, cold rain. I had an insight to this piece, and an insight to me.
Because I make the best of what life has to offer me.
You can too, it all depends on how you see it.
By Caleb Khoo
Broken people are so beautiful
Whether they're torn inside or out
They keep their thoughts to themselves
They will never scream them aloud.
Broken people know nobody really cares
They observe and see things around them
They have stopped expecting anything from anyone
That was the first lesson to be learnt.
Broken people are good liars
Liars with a big heart
Smiles plastered on their faces
While their demons inside tore them apart.
By Elizabeth Daisy
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